15-Day SQL Course by Turnip

Learn SQL on Live Server and Leapfrog your Data Analytics Skills

After I received great feedback on my earlier Patent Course, I decided to implement the format to SQL. The format I am talking about is simply about encouraging slow and consistent learning. I have a strong belief that learning cannot be rushed. Consuming too much content in too short a time will affect retention.

My dream job was to become a data analyst in a reputed consulting firm. For that, I acquired strong Spreadsheet skills learning on my own. The consulting job never happened, but I ended up pursuing PhD that included playing with data almost everyday. More importantly, I was exposed to SQL and realised how important it was to becoming a real data analytics professional.

So, I have been using SQL in my day to day work for over 10 years. I have built and managed SQL data warehouses with over 2.5 billion records of data. All capable of drawing real time business intelligence.

I decided to create a completely hands-on course in short byte-sized videos. In my opinion, learning by doing is the only authentic way of learning. When you are able to run your own queries and see the results first-hand, it will leapfrog your retention. It will also ignite interest and make you want more!

So, my 15-Day SQL for Business Analytics Course was born.

Over 450 students and professionals from across India have now completed the 15-Day SQL Course. Testimonials keep pouring in! Check out one below from LinkedIn.

If you want to start the course right away, visit https://rzp.io/l/sql-course. If you want to know more and read testimonials, visit: turnip.co.in/sql-course

Good luck on your professional data science and analytics journey!